The facebook page Vegan Quo Vadis? Roma today celebrates its first year!
In one year togheter many things happened!
We had more than 3300 Likes!
Our page posts has been viewed from more than 250,000 people!
Our activites on facebook has been viewed from more than 340,000 people!
Our map had more than 10,000 views!
Our website, active from August, had more than 11,000 views!
We thanks all of you: keep following us, like our posts, share them, invite your friend to like our page, share the page on your profile, speak about us… thanks! 🙂
We will keep advising you and mapping the vegan, vegetarian with vegan options and vegan friendly places, and daily we will post the more interesting, vegan and not, events, in Rome and surroundings.
More… Big news for the Vegan Quo Vadis? Roma birthday!
Now the places are marked with three different colour icons:
GREEN >> vegan
YELLOW >> vegetarian with vegan options
RED >> vegan friendly
Furthermore from the legend it’s now possible to select only the group of places (vegan, vegetarian with vegan options, vegan friendy) which you are intested in!
In this way the reading of the map is much more simple and you can easily find what you are looking for! 🙂
You can view the map from PC here:
or you can open it on your mobile with Google Maps here:
Soon we will start to publish the interview to the actors of the always bigger vegan wave in Rome!
Are you curious to know how was born your favourite place, who are the managers, how is going, how will go? Soon you will be able to know! 🙂
Do you have a vegan issue that is very important for you and you would like to write about it for Vegan Quo Vadis? Roma and for its audience of more than 3.300 people?
Do you often go to visit vegan places and you want to share your experiences?
Contact us at info@veganquovadis.com or with facebook and tell us what you would like to publish on the face and we will let you do!
Follow us on facebook: